Monday, June 25, 2012

60 Day After Photos

Here is my progress photo adding in the new 60 day after picture.  I can see myself thinner in the butt and legs and making more progress on thinning out my thick belly.  Even at 18, I did not have a small waist.  I was always built like a tree trunk, not much definition.

I am happy as can be.  I've just never had something that was so easy to fit into my busy life.  I really feel the difference in how I function on a daily basis.

Oh, and get this...I even got Doug to start taking the 1ounce morning shot of Ionix Supreme, which in the liquid form is really something I look forward to.  He even drank a shake and liked it.  He is taking the Men's Ageless Essentials with Product B vitamin/supplement packs each morning and night.  I may get this junk food junkie healthy yet!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Just A New Way of Life!

It's funny, I haven't come back to post anything for a really long time.  Then again, I am not really sure anyone even comes to read this blog, not that it matters, but I don't think that I have anyone waited with bated breath for my next entry. LOL

But, the last 30 days FLEW by and Isagenix products have been at the core of my lifestyle now.  I feel better than I have in so long, I just cannot remember.  Like more than 15, really it has to be longer than that.  A few years before baby number 7, Daniel.  That would be in the late 80's.  That is a long time to not feel great all the time.

I continue to contemplate why this has been so easy for me.  And I keep coming back to the same answer:
It matters more to me how I FEEL than how I LOOK!

It really is a paradigm shift of sorts.  Saying "no" to foods that ordinarily tempt me isn't hard now, because   I know how terrible I will feel if I do.  

One of the other things I did this month was the 9 day cleanse plan.  I wanted to be able to have some real experience if anyone asked about how hard it was.  The 9 day cleanse actually covers 11 days:

Days 1 and 2 are "pre-cleanse" Shake Days
Days 3 and 4 are back to back Cleanse Days
Days 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are Shake Days
and then you end with
Days 10 and 11 Cleanse Days

I was really worried about back to back cleanse days.  These are days you drink the Cleanse for Life 4 times a day at 3 hour intervals with small supplement Isagenix Snacks in between meals and lots of water.  Now, I grew up fasting every first Sunday of the month from the time I was around 8 years old as a part of our worship on what was called Fast Sunday.  (You can ask me about that later if you want.)  This was MUCH easier, because you do get to drink water and the cleanse drink is FILLED with nutrients.

I felt so clean and light after the cleanse days, and boy oh boy did that Shake taste fabulous!!!

And speaking of tasting:  I really like the liquid Ionix Supreme SO much better than the powder mix.  And, it is true that since your body cleanses during the month, your body's PH changes from being acidic to alkaline and so everything tastes better and sweeter.  It's pretty cool.

I love how I feel.  I love how my disposition is so positive. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how I SLEEP so much better.

So I have great results to report on the "physical body" side of the amazing effects of Isagenix.

In the last 60 days I have:

Pounds lost = 20.2
Inches lost = 45
Pants size down "2" sizes.

I even had to go through my closet and take almost all of my clothes to the thrift store.

Some of these are long time favorites, but I am pretty sure I can make friends with some "new" favorites.  I was able to also buy some "new" clothes at the thrift store.  I am pleased and amazed to say that I am back in size 12 pants.  I was in very tight 16's before Isagenix.

I also changed my profile picture.  I am holding my newest grandchild, Lucy Eleanore, who was just born this last Sunday. 

I haven't taken my 60 day "after" photo yet, but that will be coming soon.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ready for Round Two!

Odd, but I am really excited about the coming month.  It's because I had such a great outcome, I can't wait to see what the 2nd 30 days holds for me.  It's almost like a game now.  And, I am WINNING!!!

I really see how the pillars of healthiness of this program: the Cleanse for Life beverage, the IsaLean Shakes and the Ionix Supreme will be a part of my daily life from now on.  They will help me do what I never could do before.....MAINTAIN my weight and good nutrition.

I am being totally honest.  This is not been hard at all.  I thought it would be a struggle, but the information said it would reduce cravings, and it really has.  Now,  I am wondering why it took me so long to listen to my friends.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is really great stuff!!!

I finished my first 30 day cleanse yesterday. So, this morning I did my final weigh and measure for the month. And the results are:

Weekly results:
Pounds lost = 2.2 
Inches lost = 4.25

I am incredibly pleased to report my results from the 30 days:

30 day results:
Inches lost = 30
Pounds lost = 12 

Holy cow!  That is 30 inches of FAT gone from my body.

Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Hmm...why wasn't it hard?...

I am thinking that because I went into the cleanse with a primary purpose other than to lose weight it helped me. And, I guess I was just ready.

You know, people who want to lose weight and inches struggle. Well, maybe they struggle to stick to a "new way of life" because all they are thinking about is how they LOOK. I was more concerned with how I FELT. I was desperate for the swelling to go down. Not because of my size, but because it HURT. 

So the question is: "What are you willing to live with?" Is is really easier to live with chronic pain and fatigue than to make changes from the "same old-same old" that obviously isn't working.

I am rambling, but I think I am on to something when it comes to sharing the benefits of Isagenix products.

OH, and BTW, my skin care arrived today! It smells so nice and fresh. I am very excited to see how this works. I have had great skin my whole life, genetics and no sun has helped. Most people really guess me around 10 years younger than I am. But, chemotherapy really made some changes in the texture of my skin that no one notices but me. I can't wait to see what a few weeks on the skin care products will do!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cleanse Day #3!

So, I am really surprised at how easy the cleanse days are going.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are a few times during the day when my tummy is growling like a grizzly bear.  But, I use the Isagenix Snacks and they really get rid of the growls pretty quickly.  I can't even count how much water I drank today, probably around 100 ounces!!

The thing is, I really feel great!  Seriously.  I feel like I am happy all at the time.  I don't obsess about food anymore, and to be honest, I really, honestly and truly have not had ANY cravings.  And, I love getting dressed in the morning now.  I like seeing my clothes fit so much better, and even putting on clothes that I haven't worn in years.  So much positive enforcement!

I can't believe that my 30 days is ending on Monday.  For those counting, yes, Monday is more that 30 days.  But, because of my days off the plan while I was in California, I added those 5 days to the count.

I cannot wait to see what Monday's results yield.  It's like an AWESOME game, and I AM WINNING!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Still Impressed!

So, I was a little worried about my results for a Monday morning, because I always seem to have to be more flexible on the weekends.  More going out to eat and irregular schedule.  I make the best choices I could in every circumstance, but not all the foods that were served to me were as pure as I would have liked.  But, I am working on a "lifestyle" plan and not just something that gives me an instant result that I cannot possible keep up for the rest of my life.  No more passing fads for me!

So, here are my end of week three results:

pounds lost = 3
inches lost  = 5.25

This is a grand total of 9.4 pounds lost and 26 inches in just three weeks.  Are you impressed?  Well, I AM!!

But, the best part is wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear in a long time. AND, when we went to church in the Ward that we used to live in, the people who hadn't seen me in a while were like "Dang, you look amazing!"  They asked what I was doing, and I said, "It's my little secret weapon.....Isagenix!"

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Am Liking What I See!

It's Saturday morning and I took a sneak peak at my weight and my abdominal measurements.  It looks really good for me.  I am liking the ease of the shakes for my breakfast and my lunch.  I really, truly feel full and I don't feel like snacking at all.

I can't say that I have been totally off sugar, because, I have admitted to eating birthday cake and other bites of things from time to time.  But certainly, my white refined sugar, flour category has been reduced significantly.  Also, no more diet sodas.  I really don't miss them.  This surprises me.

Doug and I went out to eat last night, and it was 9:00 p.m. by the time we got there.  We went to Applebee's and I made great choices.  I ordered something that was a special that usually comes with roasted potatoes and a nice buttery roasted garlic sauce.  I asked for them to just grill the chicken breast and to just give me steamed broccoli on the side.  I was very satisfied, and even had a few bites of chicken to take home.

I try to tell myself, it is about the companionship and the experience than the food itself.  I was enjoying a lovely evening with my husband.  I focused on our conversation instead of all the food that I saw passing by to other tables!! LOL

So, today was a relaxing day in the morning, but then we had to go to oversee some auditions for the youth musical for this summer's youth conference at church.  We came home and went out with Catherine and Benjamin to .....wait for it....Applebee's again!  Catherine didn't want to pick, but she said she would pay.  No one else cared where we went.  I already knew that I could choose wisely at that restaurant.

I got a grilled chicken salad.  I used maybe 2 tsp of a no fat Italian.  Usually I leave a restaurant feeling full and heavy and yucky.  Two nights in a row and I leave feeling satisfied and light.  I like this.  I like this very much.

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit.  I am almost there.  I really do believe that I can incorporate these products into my life regularly.  VERY optimistic!